This project was initiated by Arvest Bank and will benefit local families through 9th Street Ministries. The drive starts Monday, April 1 and ends on April 3rd. Donation boxes will be located in the classrooms at Mena High School & students may contribute toward paying off a library fine.
On Wednesday April 3rd at Bearcat Stadium we will have our annual Soccer shoot-a-thon. All donations and pledges will help Mena boys and girls soccer program. Come support the Ladycat/Bearcat soccer teams at 4:30 on April 3rd.
Super Proud of Holly Harshman Elementary Battle of the Books teams📚These students gave up endless recesses to bring home First and Second place trophies 🏆 in fourth grade competition and winning smiles and great battle experience for our third grade teams🤗 Thanks for representing our school so well.
Senior Girls / Nashville-2 Mena-0 Senior Boys / Mena-1 Nashville-0 The Ladycats will play in the Clarksville Invitational on Saturday at the University of the Ozarks...Both Teams will play at Hope on Monday 4/1/19..
Senior Girls / Nashville-2 Mena-0
Senior Boys / Mena-1 Nashville-0
The Ladycats will play in the Clarksville Invitational on Saturday at the University of the Ozarks...Both Teams will play at Hope on Monday 4/1/19..
Mr. Breedlove will be taking orders for Senior Bricks every morning and afternoon, before and after school, in the parking lot. You may also catch Mr. Breedlove between classes. The cost is $20 per brick or $10 if you desire to share a brick with another person. Bricks must be paid in advance.
Mena Middle School. Mena High School & Holly Harshman Elementary students welcomed home KRISTA CARSTENS & celebrated her 2 World Olympic Game medals. Krista is the only athlete from the State of Arkansas to participate in the World Games held in Abu Dahbi,Dubai.
Winner!! Jaxon's family won the drawing for the $25 gift card for returning kindergarten registration paperwork! Thank you all for being so prompt!
Mrs. Purvis’ 4th period JAG senior class interacting with virtual speaker - John Morgan, Technical Project Manager from Public Consulting Group (PCG) in Asheville, NC. The students were learning about networking and marketing yourself in the workforce during your job/education search process. This year virtual speakers, virtual tours, videos were made possible by AT&T Aspire through the Nepris online platform. AT&T Aspire and Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) awarded MHS JAG a one year platinum license. Nepris, cloud-based platform that helps find, match, and connect industry professionals with classrooms, virtually. Bring real world relevance to learning.
Agenda For Mena High School Band Concert Assessment Thursday, April 4th @ Greenwood HS PAC
1:00Dismiss from Class For Final Run Through
1:30Leave for Greenwood
3:00Eat at McDonalds In Greenwood
3:45Leave For Greenwood High School
4:15Watch Kimmons 8th grade
4:45Unload Instruments and Head to Warm-Up
5:05Warm Up
5:25Move to Stage
5:30Performance on Stage
6:00Sight Read
8:30Approximate Arrival Home
All parents are encouraged to attend. Please arrive by 5:00 because schedules can sometime run ahead of time.
Dress Code- Formal Concert Black. Long sleeve, button down shirts and dress slacks (no black jeans, stretchy pants, or leggings). Girls dresses must be long sleeve and ankle length. Black dress shoes and black socks. No high heels. You will be walking a long distance.
Congratulations to our 2019 Spring Book Fair winners📚‼️Enjoy the new books selected and your cookies 🍪
Upcoming Dates to Remember at Mena Middle School!
Monday, April 1st – Next Year 7th Grade Cheer Leaders will need to bring an Adult with them to a MANDATORY Meeting at 5:30 in MMS Library.
Tuesday, April 2nd – 6th Grade Musical will be performed in the High School PAC at 7:00. Donations are appreciated.
April 17th – Parent Teacher Conferences in MMS Cafeteria ( 3:30 – 6:30)
April 18th – If you are interested in participating in the MMS Talent Show, please sign up in Mrs. Lunsford Classroom by April 18th. Try-outs will be on May 2nd and the MMS Talent Show will be May 16th.
April 19th – NO SCHOOL
April 30th and May 1st – ACT ASPIRE TEST – Please do not make any Dr Appointments on these dates. Very important that your child is at school for the test.
May 13th – 6th Grade Field Trip to Holly Springs and we will go up to Queen Wilhelmina State Park.
April 23 - MMS Spring Choir Concert @ PAC 7:00
April 25 - MMS Spring Band Concert @ PAC 7:00
October 15th through October 19th is National School Lunch Week in Arkansas! Read the Governor's Proclamation:
Welcome Back Students
School Begins
Louise Durham 1st Grade Open House
Monday, August 6th 1:00-6:00pm
Mena High School Open House
Monday, August 13th 1:00-6:00pm
Mena Middle School Open House
Thursday, August 9th 1:00-6:00pm
Louise Durham Elementary 2nd Grade Open House
Thursday, August 9th 1:00-6:00pm
Louise Durham Kindergarten Open House
Wednesday, August 8th 1:00-6:00pm