Mena Middle School Semester Tests for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd periods will be scheduled for Friday, December 16th.
about 8 years ago, Mena School District
Mena Public Schools will be closed from Monday, December 19th - Monday, January 2nd. School will be open for students to return on Tuesday, January 3rd. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
about 8 years ago, Mena School District
MHS Spotlight Singers will be singing at the Little Rock Capitol on Friday, December 9th at 11:40am.
about 8 years ago, Mena School District
MMS & MHS Band Concert is Thursday, December 8th at 7:00pm in MHS Performing Arts Center.
about 8 years ago, Mena School District
Come Join Us for Christmas Lunch on Wednesday, December 7th.
about 8 years ago, Mena School District
Mena Middle School Choir Concert is Tuesday, December 6th at 7:00pm in the MHS Performing Arts Center
about 8 years ago, Mena School District
Geography Bee - Friday, December 2nd at 8:15 in the MHS Performing Arts Center
about 8 years ago, Mena School District
The Bearcat Chorus and Spotlight Singers' Christmas Concert is Thursday, December 1st at 7:00pm at the MHS Performing Arts Center.
about 8 years ago, Mena School District
Mena Middle School Archery Parent Meeting on Tuesday Nov 29 at 5:30p in the Cafeteria. If you child signed up, please plan to attend.
about 8 years ago, Mena Middle School
Congrats to the Jr. Ladycats Champions of the Bear State Bank Tournament in Waldron.
about 8 years ago, Mena Middle School
We are so proud of Shannon Miller, K-5 VFW Teacher of the Year! Thank you for the wonderful Banquet last night at the American Legion. It was hosted by our local VFW.
about 8 years ago, LD Elementary
Parents, Please check your child's backpack today for meal tickets that will be coming home for tomorrow.
about 8 years ago, LD Elementary
Mena Public Schools will be closed on November 23rd-25th. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
about 8 years ago, Mena School District
Mena Middle School and Mena High School Mid-Term Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, November 9th from 3:30 to 6:30 pm.
over 8 years ago, Mena School District
Reminder - Holly Harshman Parent Teacher Conferences are being held today - October 18th from 3:00pm - 9:00pm. Come and also enjoy the HHE Book Fair.
over 8 years ago, Mena School District
Reminder - Upcoming FALL BREAK - No school on Monday, October 17th.
over 8 years ago, Mena School District
Excited for our District wide Homecoming Pep Rally Friday, Oct. 7th at 10:30 at MHS Gym
over 8 years ago, Mena School District
Join us at the Mena High School PAC at 7:00pm on Wednesday, September 28th to hear Derek Clark for a Free Parent Involvement Night.
over 8 years ago, Mena School District
Tonight's JV and & 7th grade Football game vs. DeQueen has been cancelled. There will still be a free 7th/8th grade scrimmage at 5:30.
over 8 years ago, Mena School District
Buses may be 15 minutes delayed leaving school campuses this first week of school in an increased effort to make sure each of our students are on the correct bus. Thank you for your support!
over 8 years ago, Mena School District