
The Mena School Board held its regular January meeting on Tuesday in the district administration building.

Dr. Lee Smith started the meeting with the Superintendent’s Report. Smith recognized each board member for their contributions to education as a part of School Board Appreciation Month. Each board member received a gift of thanks from each campus.

Smith also acknowledged that all board members had reached or exceeded the number of required training hours for the year.

In new business, the board quickly approved an amendment to the 2024 resolution to transition Zone 4 on the school board to an at-large position for the 2025 election.

The board next approved the school board's legal liability insurance policy. The premium was $541.00

The board then approved the Statements of Financial Interest. The Arkansas SFI is a disclosure report that is filed by certain public officials and candidates for public office in Arkansas. Under Arkansas law, individuals holding certain positions or seeking certain offices are required to file an SFI report with the Arkansas Ethics Commission.

Next on the agenda was the topic of a shop truck for the transportation department. Dr. Smith stated that the district had recently sold several old vehicles and he would like to spend that revenue on a new truck for the transportation department. The board approved the solicitation of bids on a new or low mileage ¾ ton truck.

Dr. Smith then updated the board on bleacher improvements being made in Jim Rackley Gymnasium. He asked the board to approve a bid by the R.J. Love Company for the addition of handrails at a cost of $13,953.00. The board approved.

The board then approved the addition of the Crossing Church in Mena to the list of community service partners recognized by the Mena Public Schools.

District Maintenance Supervisor Danny Minton shared an update on projects. A few minor repairs have been made in the Hensley Activity Center. With the extreme cold, keeping heating systems and plumbing online has been a small issue but so far no major problems. 

Next, the board approved the most recent financial reports with Smith stating that the district remains on track and on budget.

The board then voted to extend the superintendent’s contract for one more year.

Finally, in personnel the board accepted the resignation of 1st Grade Teach Bethany Meaders. They also approved the hiring of Bus Drivers John Falloon, Kenneth Henry, and Johnny Huff.

The board also approved a grant-funded $1500.00 per semester stipend to the following employees for their services as Professional Learning Coach.

Pete Rose: Louise Durham Professional Learning Coach in Literacy and Math

Rachel Carter: Holly Harshman Professional Learning Coach in Literacy and Math

Savannah Todd: K-3 Math Professional Learning Coach 

Chelsea Johnson: 4-8 Math Professional Learning Coach

Colby Singleton: 6-10 Literacy Professional Learning Coach

Katie Thomas: K-5 Literacy Professional Learning Coach

Special Education Professional Learning Coach will be determined at a later date.