If you have attempted to complete online registration for Holly Harshman Elementary School we want you to know that we have noticed a number of you are making a mistake. You will be asked if you are a “NEW” or “RETURNING” student. If your student has not previously attended Mena Schools you should click NEW. If you attended Mena Schools last year click RETURNING. Also if you made this mistake while attempting online registration you will need to do it again. We apologize for any inconvenience & if you have any questions contact HHE at (479) 394-3151.
Please be sure and complete the online enrollment for ALL STUDENTS (NEW & RETURNING). snap codes will be needed to complete the online forms. Snap codes were sent out via email last week and they are being sent out in paper form THIS WEEK, so be on the lookout in your mailbox! Please continue to monitor our FB page for updates regarding back to school! *Please try to register your student BEFORE coming to the open house.
*There will be additional forms to fill out when you get to the building, so the more you can do ahead of time, the better! *After ALL forms are completed, you will be dismissed to meet your child's teacher(s).
*Once again, there will be drawings for those that COMPLETE ALL necessary paperwork.