A special THANK YOU to all our community contributors and donors for supplies for our Backpack Kids Program and for masks for our students. A shout out to Mrs. Thompkin’s and her class for prepping and delivery bags for our entire district each week. We appreciate ALL who contribute to our kiddos
about 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
As part of a coordinated response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) in partnership with the Office for Education Policy (OEP) at the University of Arkansas has developed a Parent/Guardian Survey for soliciting family input on what is working now and what may be considered for the future. We encourage you to share the survey link with your families and ask them to complete the survey before November 20th. A Spanish version of the survey is available here. The survey seeks to involve families in an organized, ongoing and timely way in planning, review, and improvement. The survey will provide feedback regarding: * family concerns * how families are making decisions * family awareness of options and resources available * family considerations for the future The intention of this survey is not to identify individual school or district responses, but rather to establish an understanding of the state as a whole. The information will be aggregated by region only; therefore, families will be asked to identify the region of the state in which they live in order to understand the distribution of the survey without specifically identifying any district or school by name. OEP will be sharing results at the December State Board meeting. Follow this link to the Survey:https://uark.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6X7aRF3ErNNXFel... Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser: https://uark.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6X7aRF3ErNNXFel...
about 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
Click the link for the meal order form for the week of November 16th-20th. PIck up is Friday from 1pm-2pm at Louise Durham & Mena High School. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSel720L9Gxpp0xjQUkSKZFcjcIgmBbKpe4MmbOBkAJOGFPTeg/viewform
over 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
Click the link for the meal order form for the week of November 9th-13th. PIck up is Friday from 1pm-2pm at Louise Durham & Mena High School. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfzWskHVttYPxEZDVMEKoA3wmAYMklJ_J7EkE0_h8kvnJhCfA/viewform?fbclid=IwAR3mqMxdDgj7nox7lWff2HSNgtcqJgMviv1iqzZcU8rnkbsKEMWnelcerkI
over 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
As with many other normal school routines, our Parent/Teacher Conferences will be different. Our teachers, paras, and principals have been in contact with parents and guardians in the first 9 weeks by phone, email, and messaging through social media. Our teachers have been logging their interactions with you as an ongoing parent/teacher conference. Our regular conferences are scheduled for November 10th, 11th, and 12th, on our District Calendar. Our teachers will be in regular communication as the need arises but if you have not conferenced with your child(ren)’s teacher(s), please contact them and schedule a call or video conversation to take place on November 10th through 12th, from the hours of 3:30 to 7:30 pm.
over 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
hhe ptc
This year WE will be selling FUDGE for our fall fundraiser. This fundraiser will still be through the Pop Pop Shoppe, but WE decided to try a new product this time around. :) Your student will earn incentives throughout the sales period. Attached, you will find coupons that are redeemable for our mythical creature keychains! Please read carefully as to when the coupons can be turned in. They can be turned in after sales of 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15...items at a time. Just initial that your child has sold that amount and they earn a key chain & a lanyard! FUDGE SALES will begin on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd and end on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th. All money must be collected at the time of the sale and any checks are to be made out to: THE POP POP SHOPPE. *ALL MONEY MUST BE TURNED IN TO YOUR CHILD’S TEACHER by November 16th. This fudge will be great for the holidays! As always, we appreciate your support. Proceeds earned from this sale will go back to the students to provide incentives throughout the school year and added improvements to our school. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 394-3151. Sincerely, Tamara Smart, HHE Principal
over 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
hhe fundraiser
Click the link for the meal order form for the week of November 9th-13th. PIck up is Friday from 1pm-2pm at Louise Durham & Mena High School. https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSfzWskHVttYPx.../viewform
over 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
Blended & virtual student meals for November 2nd - November 6th may be picked up today at Louise Durham Elementary or Mena High School between 1 and 2 pm.
over 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
meal pick up
November menu's for HHE !
over 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
hhe menu
Holly Harshman Elementary, was selected for the 2020 Arkansas Sheriffs’ Association Red Ribbon Week Grant in the amount of $1500.00. Left to right-Randy Jewell, School Counselor Vicky Maye, Principal Tamara Smart, Sheriff Scott Sawyer, and Behavior Interventionist, Ashlyn Watts
over 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
Dear Parents/Guardians, Our funding for next year is based on the number of meals that we serve this year and the number of free/reduced applications we receive. Which can be accessed on the Mena school website, under food service information. In an effort to maintain our funding for school year 21-22, Mena Public Schools will be providing meals for students participating in Flex Fridays, blended learning, and PCVA. Blended and PCVA students can request a week's worth of meals by accessing the link each week on the school website under food service information or there is a link shared on Facebook each week. Flex Friday meals will be sent home with students on Thursday afternoon with students who will not be attending in-person classes on Friday. In order to meet USDA meal pattern requirements, some items may need to be refrigerated as soon as your child arrives home. Please check their meal bags for these. There will be a form posted on the Mena Schools website, and the school's Facebook pages. We would appreciate you filling this out if you plan for your child to learn from home on Fridays. If in the future you decide not to participate you may opt-out by contacting Susan Bodey, Aramark food service director @ 479-234-1161, or Amy Bartow, Mena schools food service director @ 479-216-0060. Thank You for your support during these trying times! Susan Bodey Follow the link to the Flex Friday Meal Order Form. https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSd4vRrLvAy.../viewform...
over 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
flex meals
Students bringing lunch from home must take all three in order to be free.
over 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
All fourth graders in Mrs. Sterner’s and Mrs. Golden’s Social Studies classes, at Holly Harshman Elementary, exercised their right to vote. Their week began with the introduction of two parties, Fruity and Chocolate. A primary election was held, where they voted for the “Candy-Date” of their choice. Hershey’s Chocolate Bar was voted to represent the chocolate party, while Ring Pop was voted to represent the fruity party. Students learned about the election process, rules of voting, and all about the two current Presidential candidates. On Friday, October 23rd, each student entered the polling booth to cast their vote!
over 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
hhe vote
Friday, October 23, 2020 Dear Parents & Students The Mena School Board recently approved a change to our Ready for Learning Plan that I want to inform you of. It is the implementation of a 4:1 school week with a Flex Friday option beginning on Friday, October 30th. What does this mean? School will operate just as it is now for four days per week. On Flex Friday, school will be open, lunch will be served, and assignments will be given but the day will be optional for all students to attend in person or not. On Flex Friday, students who choose to flex will log into their classroom assignments given by their teachers and do their learning at home. Students who choose to attend school will also have virtual assignments for that day and will have an adjusted schedule to accommodate their online assignments and to give their teachers time to help blended students and plan for the upcoming week. Students who choose to learn from home on the Flex-day will not be counted absent. Instruction will be 100% virtual. These are catch-up days for teachers and students: there will be no new content taught or major assessments given. When will this start? Friday, October 30th How long will this go on? Indefinitely, we will continue to monitor the needs and concerns of our students, teachers and parents and adjustments could continue to be made throughout the school year. What if I don’t have internet access? Your student will have the opportunity to complete the work when they return to school.They must complete the assignment the following week, or it will be incomplete. In addition, we have “hot spots” available for check-out. Just let us know ahead of time if you need to check out a device. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call our office at 479-394-3151 Thanks for your understanding during these unprecedented times. Tamara Smart, Principal Holly Harshman Elementary
over 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
Click the link for the meal order form for the week of November 2nd-6th. PIck up is Friday from 1pm-2pm at Louise Durham & Mena High School. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScOG-sWE3CuHP56xPONR7UNug5LM9iQoZmyepN4uAIovJCLUg/viewform
over 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
Blended & virtual student meals for October 26th-October 30th may be picked up today at Louise Durham Elementary or Mena High School between 1 and 2 pm.
over 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
meal pick up
Mr. Benny Weston announces the addition of "Flex Fridays" to the Mena Public School's Ready for Learning Plan! To watch the video click on the link below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgKktdNJiGE&t=10s If you would like to read the adjusted Ready for Learning Plan in it's entirety click on the link below. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/802963/Mena_Public_Schools_COVID_Plan_Ready_for_Learning.pdf
over 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
The Mena School Board met for their October meeting on Tuesday the 20th in the Mena High School Library. It was a brief meeting but included significant topics on the agenda. The board began by approving the closing documents on a bond issue. The closing date is November 5th, 2020. This will reduce the current interest rate from 4% to a new rate of 2.55%. This change will save the district $250,000 per year for the first four years and $2.2 million over the life of the bond. Superintendent Benny Weston reported that a part of the new facility near Holly Harshman Elementary will carry a Bearcat theme. The facility is owned by the Rich Mountain Nursing & Rehabilitation Center & they will be naming one of the homes Bearcat House & another the Ladycat House. Next on the agenda was discussion on adding “Flex Friday” to the district’s Ready for Learning Plan. The addition was approved & the first Flex Friday will be October 30th. A video explaining this adjustment will be released on Mena Public School’s social media & website. Assistant Superintendent Dr. Lee Smith reported to the board that this year’s Annual Report to the Public will be virtual & available to patrons of the district online. The board was then made aware of upcoming training dates available to them & the meeting was adjourned.
over 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
october board meeting
Click the link for the meal order form for the week of October 26th-30th. PIck up is Friday from 1pm-2pm at Louise Durham & Mena High School. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdmGfEKqUNExBm6xVWgERoOFam3F0NLUD7DYmHwz6BSjUPiyw/viewform?fbclid=IwAR2QKQBTf5xjq3dq8q7iuL3RWoGW_ZByMnuJn6UZPes8r3n2ywZLzgJ-qgA
over 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
Holly Harshman Elementary has been selected for the 2020 Arkansas Sheriffs’ Association Red Ribbon Week Grant. Polk Co. Sheriff Scott Sawyer will be sent the check in the amount of $1500 that he will present to HHE on Monday, October 26 at 830 am. Holly Harshman Elementary Red Ribbon Week Oct. 26-30, 2020. Monday, Oct. 26- Follow Your Dreams & Stay Drug Free! Say goodnight to drugs by wearing pajamas to school. Tuesday, Oct. 27- Team Up Against Drugs Dress up as twins with your friend or friends OR Dress up as your favorite team. Wednesday, Oct. 28-We are wild about being Drug-Free! Wear wild hair and wild/mismatched clothes. Thursday, Oct. 29- Drug-Free and Proud to be a Bearcat! Dress in Bearcat School Colors. Friday. Oct. 30-I’m too bright for drugs!!! Wear Bright/Neon Colors. Red Ribbon Week is focused on educating students about the dangers of drugs and alcohol and ways to say “NO!”. The dress up days are a fun way of reinforcing what is being taught.
over 4 years ago, Mark Hobson
red ribbon grant