Attention K-5 Parents! Below is an example of an option letter that will be sent home with your student at the end of school today. It is very important that you fill out and return this letter to school on Friday 3/13/20. Thank you for you cooperation.
Dear Families,
Under the continued guidance of the Arkansas Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Arkansas Department of Health, we are taking all measures to carefully monitor potential risks. We encourage frequent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes and staying home when sick.
Parent Teacher Conferences are approaching next week. To accommodate the health and safety concerns regarding COVID-19, we will offer our families the following options for conferences.
Please check to indicate your preference.
_____ 1. You may have a conference via phone.
_____ 2. Paper packets with all relevant information may be sent home with signature pages to be returned.
_____ 3. Conferences will be available at the school buildings as usual.
Student Name___________________________ Teacher_______________________
Parent Signature____________________________
Under the continued guidance of the Arkansas Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Arkansas Department of Health, Mena Public Schools is taking all measures to carefully monitor potential risks. We encourage frequent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes and staying home when sick.
March is Music In Our Schools Month!
Act Aspire & Star Testing will be taking place at Mena Public Schools in April.
Star Testing
April 13th - 24th @ LDE
ACT Aspire Testing
April 6th - 9th @ HHE
April 13th - 16th @ MMS
April 23rd - 24th @ MHS
Spring Break at Mena Public Schools will be March 23rd - 27th.
Order you Holly Harshman Elementary Yearbook online. Just click on the link & use the school code 054029..
Our HHE 5th grade took 1st and 2nd place in the Battle of the Books at DMESC Friday!
HHE 4th grade won 1st place in the Battle of the Books!
What a great way to spend Liveschool points.This Holly Harshman student chose the Lunch with a Teacher coupon.Thanks Pizza Hut for making it possible.
Holly Harshman Elementary Show Up and Glo Awards
4th-Zoie Horn
3rd-Hannah Hicks
5th-Sam Irons
Fabulous Friday at Holly Harshman Elementary with Baseball Bearcats greeting students!
The Holly Harshman Elementary 3rd grade teams finished 2nd & 4th in Battle of the Books at the DeQueen Mena Education Service Cooperative. Go Bearcats!
Mena Public Schools are seeking qualified applicants for a pair of positions. Follow the link for more information.
Positivity is the message from this Holly Harshman student.She spent her Liveschool points on Design a Bulletin Board.We R.I.S.E. by lifting others.
A message from Mena Public School Superintendent Benny Weston!
Holly Harshman Elementary 3rd graders are competing in Battle of the Books today at the DeQueen Mena Education Service Cooperative! Go Bearcats!
A fierce battle of DodgeBall erupted at Holly Harshman Elementary during the Liveschool Extra Recess reward. Fun was had by all.A great reward for working hard.
Polk County Voters went to the polls today & Mena Public School patrons had the opportunity to cast their vote on two school board races. In complete by unofficial results it appears the incumbents will retain their positions.
Position 1
Brandyn Gortemiller 1082
Todd Aynes 1919
Position 2
Robby Hines 1604
Calvin Cummings 1401
The 4th grade Quiz Bowl team participated in the Murfreesboro Invitational Quiz Bowl on Friday, February 28. There were 12 teams. Our team was seeded 5th after lunch. They fought harder when the games resumed and defeated the teams that were seeded fourth and second . In the end, they took third place. We are so proud of them! Pictured are Ayden Dong, Vaughn Vacca, Jaylynn Miller, Chloe Buck, Madox Plunkett, Shayla Benson, Lily Kate Doughty, Alec Erickson, Madison Fowler, and Serenity Fraser.
Follow the link to School Choice Forms! Please complete both forms - page 1 and page 2.…/School_Choice_Form_202…