The Mena High School Cheerleaders spent the afternoon at Holly Harshman Elementary getting students fired up for next week's ACT Aspire testing with a pep rally!
May 10th - MHS Seniors last day
May 19th - MHS Graduation 3:00pm
May21st - Mena Preschool Graduation 9am PAC
May 23rd - 4th Grading Period / Second Semester ends & last day of school
Addie did an amazing job with the announcements this Fabulous Friday morning!!
Eli did an amazing job being the emcee on Monday, and Keira did an awesome job with the announcements this morning at Holly Harshman Elementary!
GT Night is underway at Holly Harshman Elementary.. These students put a great deal of time in their projects... Check them out!
Monday 4/15
Holly Harshman Elementary ---ACTAspire Testing for 3rd - 5th grades continues thru Thursday 4/18
Jr High District Track Meet @ Bearcat Stadium 3:30pm
Soccer @ Joe T Robinson - 5:00 PM
Holly Harshman Elementary will have a Pre-test pep rally at 1:30pm on Friday...The ACTAspire Testing for 3rd - 5th grades will be Monday 4/15 thru Thursday 4/18....
I am a Bearcat!
More Liveschool rewards at work! Lynnlee chose to wear a hat to school
Please “give it up” for our April Teacher of the Month: Ms Paulette Crawford! 👏🏻👏🏻 WE are proud to have such a great teacher as part of our HHE family! 🐾❤️🐾❤️
Holly Harshman will have GT night on Thursday, April 11th from 5:00- 7:00 pm. in the HHE cafeteria. The community is encouraged to attend and view 3rd-5th grade GT projects.
Mark Hobson fills you in on a jam packed week at the Mena Public Schools!
Mena High School AE students entertained a tough crowd & announced the 3rd, 4th & 5th grade students of the month at Holly Harshman Elementary this Friday afternoon!.
Keep up to date with the Mena Public School Weather Bug!
Louise Durham principal Jimma Holder & Holly Harshman principal Tamara Smart shared information about Liveschool with principals from around the area at the DeQueen Mena Education Service Cooperative today.
A preview of the 6th grade musical.. The public performance is tonight at 7pm in the Mena High School Performing Arts Center..
For your viewing and planning enjoyment. The 19-20 calender for Mena Public Schools!
Enjoy a recap of the month of March 2019 at Mena Public Schools!
April Menus for Louise Durham & Holly Harshman
We are Bearcats!