Just got a call from Zak Kees, who is the U.S. Attorney for the W.D. of Arkansas. He will be contacting the AG’s Office with this same information, but wanted to let us know in case we somehow can disseminate to school districts information about a scam that the FBI warned has been going on around the country for the past month or so. The target is high school juniors and seniors. The scammer sends students emails that look like they’re coming from the SEA (such as ADE) or USDOE in which the scammer instructs students to set up a profile so that the SEA and/or USDOE can search for available scholarships. Because students apparently often use the same password for everything they do, the scammers are looking for passwords.
Thank you,
Don Benton, Assistant Commissioner
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Research and Technology
October 3, 2018