There will be a softball game on Thursday March 2 @ home against DeQueen at 4:30.
The softball game scheduled for Tuesday has been cancelled. The game will not be rescheduled.
As a reminder, the game against Cossatot River has also been moved.
At this time, there will be no softball games this week.
Mena High School choirs participated in the Region 3 Choral Performance Assessment at Henderson State University on Friday, February 24. The Bearcat Chorus earned a Division II Excellent on prepared music and a Division I Superior in sight reading. The Spotlight Singers earned a Division I Superior on prepared music and a Division I Superior in sight reading. The Spotlight Singers qualified for participation in state CPA in April.
Charles Morgan was nominated and accepted into Phi Beta Mu, National Honorary Fraternity For Band Directors. Congratulations to Mr. Morgan!
Parent teacher conferences will be held at Mena High School from 3:30-6:30 tomorrow night, Feb. 9. Pick up child's mid term report card from his/her CAPS teacher.
There will be Jr Parent Prom Meeting in the library at 6:00 during PT conferences tomorrow, Thursday.
Mena High School Prom will be on April 22.
There are 2 basketball games tonight beginning at 5:30 p.m. not 6:00 p.m.
The Jr. High basketball games have been cancelled for tonight vs Ashdown.
Mena High School Prom will be held on Saturday, April 1.
Mena Public Schools will be closed today.
Congrats to Paige Evans for receiving Tournament MVP of the Bear State Bank Tournament in Waldron. The Jr. Ladycats were Champions.
NHS Induction Ceremony will be held on October 24 @ 7:00 p.m. in the PAC. All parents, family, friends, and faculty are invited to attend.
Congrats to Zeb Wilson and Payton Medlin on making the Top 8 in the State tennis Tournament in Russellville.
Come to Fields of Faith tomorrow, Oct. 12, at Bearcat Stadium, Mena
5:30-6:30 FREE Pizza and Drinks
6:30-8:00 Band and Student Speakers
One Day. One Message. One Stand.
The deadline for senior ads in the 2016-2017 MHS yearbook is tomorrow, Oct. 1. A senior page is $250.00 until this deadline. They will be $350.00 after the deadline. Contact Mr. Andy Philpot if you have questions or to turn in your ad.
Come to MHS's Parent/Teacher Conferences Wednesday, September 14, from 3:30 to 6:30. You will receive your child's progress report for mid-term and ACT Aspire results from his/her CAPS teacher.
Correction: 7th grade football will play 8th grade at 5:30 and admittance is free. No sr high jv.
There will be no football games this evening.
There will be no cross country practice today.