November is National Family Literacy Month. This is an opportunity to highlight the importance of reading and learning for the entire family. On November 7th, Judge Brandon Ellison signed a proclamation declaring November "November Family Literacy Month" for Polk County. The purpose of the Countywide Proclamation is to emphasize the importance of literacy, celebrate the joy of reading, encourage residents to promote literacy by reading together as a family and extend deep appreciation to our local librarians, and educators for their tireless efforts to strengthen literacy of our children and our community.

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution allows the prestigious Literacy Champion Award to be awarded to individuals who contribute to their community by providing services or promoting literacy. As part of the Celebration, they received a K-6 Grant and awarded Tiffany Williams, Paula Cox, and Sheli Chaney books for their library to enhance Literacy in our community!

We are so grateful for this generous donation and helping us to continue to create a love of reading with our students at Mena Public Schools.