Announcing the schedule for semester test for the fall semester. All students at Middle school will be testing to end the fall semester on Thursday, December 15th and Friday, December 16th. Thursday's testing will include all classes from 4th through 7th hour. Friday's testing will be for 1st through 3rd hour. Any make-up test will be after lunch on Friday, December 16th.
Exemptions for the Semester test will be granted based on grades and attendance as follows: A in a class with 5 or less absences; B in a class with 4 or less absences; and C in a class with 3 or less absences. Any student with a D or F will be required to take the semester test for that class. School absences and pre-Approved absences by the principal are the only types of absences which do not count toward the absence total.
Any student who may have personal obligations which require them to test early will need to be approved through the principal by Friday, December 9th.