7th and Junior High capped off a great week this morning with a great practice. They are off tomorrow and meet back up Monday at 7 AM for their last practice before school. On Monday night at 8:00 they will have a pool party at the city pool! We are proud of these guys!
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson
Mena Jr. Cheer completed NCA team camp in the Union Bank Center today. They had a short performance for parents this afternoon...
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson
Mena Bearcat Austin Johnson was the low score medalist at the Waldron Golf Tournament today.. The team will be back in action August 15th at Degray near Arkadelphia...
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson
The Mena Middle School & Mena High School faculty underwent a safety training & safety drill this morning. Louise Durham & Holly Harshman faculty will receive the same training on Thursday... At Mena Public Schools our students safety is of the utmost importance & we work everyday to improve the safety of our campuses....
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson
The Magazine Invitational has been cancelled on September 10th... Mena will now host a cross country meet on that same day at the Lions Club course, on Highway 71 South in Mena.. Follow the link for the complete schedule. https://www.menaschools.org/o/athletics/athletics…
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson
This past weekend the Salvation Army conducted operation "Stuff the Bus" at the Mena Walmart. The Mena Public Schools parked a school bus at Walmart and people purchased school supplies to donate to our students.
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson
Act 738 is now in effect... Info you need to know before August 14th! http://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/assembly/2019/2019R/Pages/BillInformation.aspx?measureno=SB534
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson
It's up to all of us!
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson
Check out the live interview with Mason Brotherton on 42 Sports Thursday night at 7pm... GO BEARCATS!!! https://www.facebook.com/mtindian42/
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson
The Mena tennis team took their first workout under their new coach Jim Pennington... The team will practice again on Tuesday at 6pm in McMillan Park.. Coach "P" invites any student in 9th-12th grade who is interested in participating to come out and be a part of the team.
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson
This time of year a lot of hard work happens in the band hall but it was all fun this evening. Bearcat Band students had a blast at their annual pool party !!!! GO BEARCAT BAND!!!
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson
SCHEDULE CHANGE! Sept 24 will now be at Magnolia Oct. 17 will now be in Mena against Magnolia See the complete schedule here http://www.menaschools.org/o/athletics/athletics?filter=19738
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson
ATTENTION PARENTS!!! A meeting for all Ladycat 7th-12th grade volleyball & basketball parents will be this Thursday, August 8th at 6pm in the MHS Performing Arts Center... Share & spread the word... GO LADYCATS!
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson
The new school year is just around the corner & the Mena Public Schools campuses were all buzzing with activity this morning... The first day of school is August 14th!!!
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson
The Mena Jr. Ladycats are having themed practices this week... Today was ‘Merica Monday... Tomorrow is Tie dye Tuesday... Then Western Wednesday & Throwback Thursday..
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson
There will be a few changes in the cafeteria this year that you need to be aware of... At LDE & HHE they will be implementing the new FUEL program... A new specialty item will be introduced once per month & if the kids respond well it will be added to the future menu... At MMS they will be adding a second chance breakfast between 1st & 2nd period.. The second chance breakfast was a big hit at the high school last year... At MHS the grill line & the pizza line will be switching locations in the cafeteria... At MHS & MMS there will be new choices in addition to the traditional menu... MONDAY will be a rotating made to order line... TUESDAY & THURSDAY there will be a made to order tortilla line.... WEDNESDAY there will be made to order boneless wings FRIDAY will be a made to order potato bar
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson
The Mena Bearcats & Ladycats will have practice today & on Tuesday at the tennis courts in McMIllan Park at 6pm. Coach Jim Pennington wants to encourage anyone in 9th-12th grade interested in playing, no matter the level of experience, to come out even if you failed to sign up.... Again that is at 6pm tonight & Tuesday.... Please share & spread the word.... GO BEARCATS!!!!
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson
The Mena Bearcats are ranked 11th in the Max Preps Pre-season Football Poll!
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson
Attention incoming 6th grade beginning band students: The annual Bearcat Band Pool Party is Monday, August 5 at McMillan Park from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm Come enjoy pizza and swimming while meeting the directors and other band students! Also, the Beginning Band Instrument Drive will be after school on Friday, August 16. There will be a parent meeting after school at 3:30 in the middle school band room followed by the instrument drive. Representatives from Cooper Music in Russellville will be there with all supplies that students need to get started in band. For more information, see Mr. Bradford at next week's open house.
over 5 years ago, Mark Hobson