Tim Barfield is currently fighting a brain tumor. His wife Sheryl, is a former paraprofessional at HHE,,. They moved to Florida in March so Tim could begin receiving treatments. WE want them to know how much WE love and support them.
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
Lip Sync skills were on display at the Mena High School Performing Arts Center Thursday Afternoon... Drew & Andy Philpot walked away with the big prize!
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
Continuing to Grow as Readers with Mrs. Williams https://www.facebook.com/MenaPublicSchools/videos/2197938603627479/
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
The winner of the 2019 Mena High School Lip Sync Contest is..... https://youtu.be/rorWHV8ZFMk
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
Our second grade went this week and toured Holly Harshman Elementary school where they will be attending 3rd grade next year! One of our Hero teams has been reading about moving to the 3rd grade and writing about their favorite things this school year!
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
May 6th - FFA Banquet 7pm @ the Ouachita Center. May 10th - Seniors last day May 14th - Free Physicals in the Union Bank Center 5:30pm Ladycats first & Bearcats will follow. May 16th - MHS Academic Awards Night 6pm in the PAC. May 17th - MHS Honors Assembly 8:30am in the PAC. May17th - MMS EAST Talent Show. Noon in the PAC. May 19th - Graduation 3:00pm Bearcat Stadium May 21st - Mena Preschool Graduation 6:00pm May 22nd - Holly Harshman Elementary Awards 9:00am in the PAC. May 23rd - Last day of school.
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
MMS Announcements for Wednesday, May 1st From Mrs. Breedlove: All 6th grade girls that will be on the 7th grade cheer squad next year will need to go to her room after tomorrow’s announcements. Handing out and signing of yearbooks will take place tomorrow during 7th period. If you still want to order one of the extra yearbooks, see Mrs. Lunsford in the EAST room, right after these announcements. 8th grade ETS students will be meeting this Friday during ACHIEVE. From Mrs. Luttmer: Cossatot Field Trip permission slips need to be turned in to her asap. Also, she needs all Science Destination students to check their email. If you are interested in forming a team for this year’s 3-on-3 basketball tournament for Mena’s annual Lum & Abner Festival in June, there are informational flyers posted on the Library windows. Lunchtime Weather: Inside today Lunch Menu: Line 1 – Nachos, Tacos, Frito Chili Pie Line 2 – Pizza, Sandwiches, All American Salad Concession – Hamburger, Hot Dog, Chicken Sandwich
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
Due to technical difficulties Mena Middle School will postpone ACT Aspire testing until Thursday, May 2nd... Please spread the word...
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
The school choice deadline is today. Follow the link for the forms.. https://www.menaschools.org/o/mena-school-district/browse/51161
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
***UPDATE*** List of events for Sr.'s final days !
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
Annual Band Banquet!
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
Free Physicals!
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
Students at MHS are making choices on schedules for 2019/2020.. Go to the Mena Public Schools YouTube channel to review what your classes will be all about... Be sure to leave some feed back... Here is an example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rW4lGLbdwEg&t=3s
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
The Lip Sync is really taking it up a notch this year. Don’t miss! Thursday @ 12:40 in the MHS PAC. Admission $2. #lipsync2019
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
MHS May 1st, 2019 Starting today for teachers and students you have to have money in your account to eat. No more negative accounts allowed. For any student would you like to volunteer to help serve meals at the Relay for Life Survivors Dinner on Friday, May 17, please see Mr. Philpot by Friday afternoon. This will be an opportunity to earn service hours, in addition to contributing to the 2019 Polk County Relay for Life. If you are a senior interested in delivering the speech at graduation, please come by Ms. Kropp’s room for info. The typed manuscript is due by Friday, May 3rd. Don't forget to bring $2 on Thursday to give to your 5th period teacher so that you can attend the Eighth Annual Lip Sync Competition. You won't want to miss it! We will have the annual free physicals on Tuesday, May 14. All coaches will hand out the physical forms. Ladycats will be at 5:30 PM in the UBC and Bearcats will follow. This is the only opportunity to provide free physicals. Seniors, several students have not accepted their Arkansas Challenge scholarships. Check and see if you are pending acceptance. Seniors remember that all fines and lunch balances need to be paid by May 10th. All cap and gowns that have been ordered and not paid for are in the office. Herf Jones is accepting cash only or you can pay on-line. Any FFA member who is interested in attending Arkansas FFA leadership conference June 24-27 needs to sign-up this week with Mr. Collins. Cost will be 40.00 per student. Sign-up with Money Deadline is May 9th FFA Members who are interested in becoming an FFA Officer for next year can pick up applications from Mr. Collins today. The FFA Banquet will be May 6 Monday at 7 at the Ouachita Center at UofA Rich Mountain. All FFA Members with speaking parts need to be there by 6:15 pm. The FFA Banquet work day will be Sunday at 2 pm at the AG building. For All FFA members who have speaking parts at the banquet. See Mr. Breedlove to order a senior brick. Lunch: Frito Chili Pie
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
MHS ACT Aspire!
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
MMS ACT Aspire !
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson
Fisher Neufeld!
almost 6 years ago, Mark Hobson